What are your favorite Detroit Edibles and/or Cannalicious Labs products and why?
“Peanut Butter Barracuda Cannabis Cups make my day and are the perfect edible treat for me. Fruity Cannabis Crispies are the quintessential homemade edible experience without the hassle.”
If you could dispel one myth or stigma about cannabis use, what would it be and why?
“Cannabis use doesn't have to be solely for "partying". Loads of users get a huge variety of benefits. It's the natural multitool a lot of us can use in our daily lives.”
As a budtender, how do you stay informed of the latest products and trends in the cannabis industry?
“I read the news to get a good idea of industry trends. Lume does a great job of keeping us up to date on relevant products in Michigan.”
What makes the experience at Lume beneficial for customers?
“The ability to have a one-on-one consultation gives everyone the chance to ask those harder questions about cannabis. Each guest can have their concerns addressed, their needs met, and a great experience all in one visit.”